A Journey on the Tracks of the Climate Crisis …
Hi, I’m Sarah…I’m a climate and human rights activist, but honestly … I was about to give up!
For years now, I’ve been going on the streets with thousands of young people, for years now, we have been demonstrating for more climate protection, for our future, for a planet worth living. But seemingly, nothing is changing.
Actually, we would know what to do. Science has been telling us for years now. But nothing happens.
So far, I’ve thought that we could force it if we went out on the streets, if we raised our voices loud enough. But by now, I’m not so sure anymore. Is it only me, or are other climate activists doing it better?
Within the last decades, the average temperature on our planet has risen almost one degree. Every year, more CO2 is emitted. A heat record comes after another. That’s actually a major problem!
„This Glacier won’t survive for Long“
Lea Hartl, glaciologist from Austria
„Venice will drown, there are no doubts anymore”
Carlo Giupponi, complexity researcher from Italy
„Nature says, stop, pay more attention to what you are doing.“
Paolo Pereira, biologist from Portugal
I went on a journey, by train across Europe – from Poland to Portugal. I’ll show you places where the impact of the climate crisis is already visible.
Forest fires, floodings, storms, these are all consequences that we already feel. Alone on my journey, in just one summer, across one continent, I’ll become witness to all these catastrophes.
I talked to scientists from all over Europe about our future, how climate change will impact our lives, and what will happen if we don’t act now. Some answers are discouraging.
But on my journey, I also met people with solutions.
Young people with visions and freaking good ideas about how we could still save our planet. People who act and take matters into their own hands.
People who surely save me and maybe also you from giving up! So, join me, I’ll take you with me on my journey!
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